Meal Mentor

S01 Episode 3 - Curing IBS with Diet



Meal Mentor enthusiast Kristin shares how the meal plans helped her and her husband cure IBS! Lindsay and Kristin chat about tips for making a plant-based diet work in restaurants, the importance of eating in season, and how couples can make either the individual or family plan fit their lifestyle! More about this episode: The one ingredient that made a difference in Kristin’s GI issues The two resources that converted Kristin's husband to a plant-based diet Why ordering off a vegan menu isn’t always the healthiest choice How the meal plans can relieve choice fatigue Tips for getting used to increased fiber on a plant-based diet How Kristin makes the meal plan fit into her daily life How Kristin’s plant-based diet influences her work Try our FREE 3-Day sample meal plan! Resources: Slim By Design by Brian Wansink Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink Forks Over Knives [Kristin's Etsy store] 5 Join the Meal Mentor community here Follow us on Twitter and Instagram