Storytelling With Seth

This is a Language of Fists — Episode #68



Welcome to Storytelling with Seth This is episode #68 The Coronavirus has changed the landscape of our country and world in just a few short weeks. The recent advancement of shelter in place recommendations can feel restrictive and confining.  Many authors, musicians, and artists have taken to social media to share their art. Some read books, others draw, some create games and challenges that you can play at home.  I loved the idea so much I have chosen to share an upcoming audiobook that will be for sale on Amazon here with you on Storytelling with Seth. There are no commercial interruptions. No ads. It is a story that takes place outside of the challenging time we are all facing.  My goal is to give listeners the chance to focus on something other than the fear and uncertainty that surround us. My hope is this that the 45 minutes this story can offer insight and hope. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing hope. This is a Language of Fists This is a Langu