Design Driven

Greg Storey - InVision



About This EpisodeWhat is the relationship between innovation, design, and organizational culture? In a perfect world, they don’t just overlap; they are continuously working together in a symbiotic relationship. So why is it that the three aren’t always spoken of together? More often than not, you hear executives talking about innovating with design or creating a culture of innovation, but without the third piece you can only go so far. “The truth about Innovation is that we have all the tools that we need. Unfortunately, the entrenched culture within a lot of these companies isn’t changing to meet the needs of these new innovative ways. Until the culture changes, you’re not going to see much lift and see the needle move very much.” - Greg Storey on The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures (HBR)The value of design isn’t always tangible, and for organizations where legacy systems or legacy culture rules, it can get in the way of making effective design decisions. At the end of the day, desi