Money Mastermind Show: Personal Finance | Investing | Retirement | Entrepreneurship

Where Should You Start When Getting Your Finances In Order?



We’ve all been there before – looking up a literal or metaphorical mountain and wondering how in the world we’re ever going to reach the summit.  It might be cliché to say that a great journey begins with a single step, nonetheless, when it comes to your finances, it’s important to remember.  Luke Landes joins us this week to explain what that first step should look like and how you can climb your own personal mountain. Some important questions discussed in this episode: If I’m overwhelmed by the thought of “financial stuff” where do I start? Where should I find help when it comes to beginning my personal finance journey? Should I pay down debt or start an emergency fund first? Should I prioritize saving for retirement over paying off my student loan? Is there support somewhere to help me cope with all of this new information? Panelists In This Episode: Special Guest: Luke Landes | Luke Glen Cr