Branding Cannabis

Ep 8 - Jodie Emery



Jodie Emery, aka the Princess of Pot, is 35-year-old public speaker, political activist and business owner. She was born and raised in Kamloops, BC and graduated from St. Michael's University School in Victoria. In 2004 Jodie, moved to Vancouver to work with the famous activist Marc Emery, and became editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine in early 2005. Marc and here got married on July 23rd, 2006. Jodie has participated in numerous conferences and activist events in Canada and the United States, including legalization ballot initiatives in California and Washington in 2010 & 2012; IdeaCity in June 2012, 2014 and 2015; the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in February 2012; the Boston Freedom Rally in 2012 and 2013; the Canadian Investor Conference in 2014; and many more. In 2009, she represented the BC Green Party in Vancouver-Fraserview for the provincial election and was appointed as the Olympic Critic and Policing & Crime Critic. The riding became a "high-profile" race with significant media attention, a