My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

5.15 Review of Online Illustration Classes



On this episode I'm going to discuss some of the online school options for illustration. I  did my own illustration boot camp last summer by taking classes on these online schools. I felt like I didn't have time during classes to brush up on the areas I was weak in. Here are the links below for the 3 online schools I tried.  New Masters Academy Schoolism SVS Learn This review is based on my personal experience. Everyone is different and some people don't need a formal art education to be successful. As an art teacher, I've seen some really skilled high school students if given the right direction an online program might be a great option for them. These online programs are a great place to start. #illustrationpodcast #mycreativelife #illustratorlife #schoolism #newmastersacademy #svslearn #illustrationeducation #onlinelearning Please like and subscribe! Nancy Miller Illustration Social Media Portfolio: http://www.nmillerillus