Mason And Friends Show

Episode 544: episode 544



movie Trivia, Reba, Tremors., small vagina, exercise, Porn star? Yoga instructor, everything Fake, Real Dick, Aliyah, Relevant? R Kelly, age ain't nuthing, not famous enough, Matrix? Singing Pussy R Kelly Style, R Kelly Jail, human issue, Just Too, Gen Pop? Squirrel Master,. Somebody's Bitch, Saying Damn To myself, solid service, steady Limpin, Years ago, shoe search, starting to drop in, snapped leg, call the police, Tramatic, Ju's Physical issues,. bone Spurs, big Pharma, Hemp TP, Hemp Plastic, flushing that , family shit, exspensive shit, hot sauce chocolate, Mint Julip, horse world, dwarfism, too tall? Jockey salary? The Ju Unit Country Translator 7/6/14 the music of this episode@ support the show@