

We as Holiday Let | Vacation Rental Owners are always looking for ways to Increase Bookings and there's a huge focus on advertising vacation rentals online. As there should be - the internet is huge and the reach is vast and you can pinpoint your audience with the extremely accurate data available at the touch of a button. I always feel we should be building as many different ways of creating awareness of our Holiday Let | Vacation Rentals as possible and we shouldn't overlook the fact that there are real people close by who would love to connect with you as a small business owner and by building relationships one on one it's possible to build an entirely new way of bringing in visitors to your holiday home. I say 'new' way, but really it's heading back to the old way - and back to how businesses used to be built, by forming strong, mutually beneficial relationships with other like minded people! Or at least that's the basis of it, with a smattering of up to date technology to help things along!! In today's e