New Vibrations

#210: New Music from Songhoy Blues, the Mountain Goats, & So Much More!



"We're just skipping Thanksgiving here on New Vibrations and keeping up with the new tracks. Stay safe out there & enjoy. Tuen in! xoxo 00:00 - Intro 01:26 - Introducing New Vibrations 02:10 - Ay Mijo - Troigo 05:43 - Structure - Blessed 10:21 - Florist - Ilithios 14:14 - O Hell - Ilithios 18:19 - Mic Break 19:14 - Korfo - Songhoy Blues 23:05 - Kuma - Songhoy Blues 26:45 - Hello and Welcome - Partner 29:14 - A Good Place to Hide - Partner 32:37 - Personal Computing - Neutrals 35:00 - Outro 37:31 - Pay the Man - Lord Sonny the Unifier 41:14 - I Love You World - Lord Sonny the Unifier 44:58 - Tidal Wave - the Mountain Goats 50:25 - Rat Queen - the Mountain Goats 54:35 - Baby Goodbye - Karl Mullen 57:29 - Stone Cold Soul - Karl Mullen 61:37 - Finish "