Kate Hastings Show




Find an excuse to win, not to loose. The distance between where you are right now and where you really want to go can be measured by the amount of excuses you make or don’t make. Our brains are wired to keep us safe, and making excuses sounds rational to keep us out of harms way. Thank goodness we have the instinct to avoid dangerous situations, but it also keep most people from not really going after what they want. A tiger chasing you and you opening a new business, the same alert goes off in our brain. People say things like… I’ll stay in my 9-5 job because I have health insurance. Meanwhile your health is deteriorating because you hate what you do. But you convince yourself it’s safer to stay, because of the security, and pursuing your purpose then feels unsafe. God didn’t created humans to only live for health insurance. Making excuses is a habit. One excuse creates a landslide of more excuses.  This is the power of repetition. You don’t become unhealthy overnight. Just like you don’t become successfu