Glitch Idm

What You See



"Welcome back everyone!!! I hope you all had an awesome week! Ok so the vibe we're going for on this one is one of elevation, recreation, and renewal... Other than that, we'll discuss my most recent adventure and good times! Alright my friends, here we go; This is the Glitch//IDM Show!!! 00:00 - DJ Skymall 01:23 - Landscape of the Construction - Valance Drakes & Ivan Shopov 05:18 - Displacement - Phonem 09:19 - Trouble - Leon Vynehall 12:08 - Transmute - Lorn 15:43 - DJ Skymall 17:38 - Hide Out - Satoshi Kanno 22:00 - Esle 0 - Autechre 24:57 - Rolling Green Hills - Eczem 28:35 - Munai Bailer - Roel Funcken 32:55 - House In The Woods - Adam Kroll 37:26 - DJ Skymall 40:15 - Form By Firelight - Jon Hopkins 42:33 - Mount Devil - Markus Mehr 45:32 - Vulva - Hosmoz 50:04 - 2m 1207 - Xtrngr 52:24 - Curenc - Phako 54:08 - DJ Skymall 55:10 - Brand E - John Frusciante 60:00 - Finish "