Caustic Soda




Joe, Kevin, and Toren are joined by Critical Hit Show Dungeon Master Eric Fell to look at the caustic side of games and gaming! We discuss "Senet", the 5000 year old Egyptian board game, the anti-Dungeons & Dragons group "BADD", "The Book of Erotic Fantasy", chess-playing serial killer Alexander Pichushkin, and both the most offensive video game ("Ethnic Cleansing") and role-playing game (F.A.T.A.L.) we could find. We also look at this #GamerGate thing, and top it off with select gaming-related pop culture! Music: "Frogger! The Frogger Musical" by Paul and Storm Links Pinky & The Brain Theory Ancient Board Games The Pulling Report Book of Erotic Fantasy Fiasco RPG review of F.A.T.A.L. Depression Quest #GamerGate - Indie GameJam Article Feminist Frequency YouTube Channel Storify 4Chan IRC Logs Dark Dungeons Chick Tract The Future of the Culture Wars is Here, and it's Gamergate - an excellent summary of the current #GamerGate situation. Critical Hit Show The Gentlemen He