Caustic Soda




Caustic Soda puts the fun in funeral! Guest Arinn Dembo joins us to talk neanderthal cave burials, cremains, martyriums, slave sacrifice, wife-burning, The Great Death Pit, viking ship burials, Tibetan sky burial, corpse demons, the soothing rite of fire and much more! Music: "My Grandfather's Clock" - Sons of the Pioneers Images Videos Six Feet Under Finale (SPOILERS!) Links Tibetan Sky Burial Movies Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan Toren: 9/10 Joe: 9/10 Kevin: 8/10 Harold and Maude Toren: 8/10 Kevin: 8/10 Get Low Toren: 8/10 Kevin: 7/10 Four Weddings and A Funeral Joe: 7/10 Kevin: 7/10