Caustic Soda

Crime Scene Investigation



Author Don Debrandt gives his expert testimony on Crime Scene Investigation techniques such as body farms, anthropometry, dactyloscopy, entomology, and the ever-exciting forensic accounting division "Questionable Documents". Music: "It Must Be Swell to be Laying Out Dead" by Alex Bartha's Hotel Traymore Orchestra This podcast sponsored by Images Videos Movies Silence of the Lambs Toren: 8/10 Joe: 9/10 Kevin: 8/10 Star Wars: A New Hope Toren: 9/10 Joe: 9/10 Kevin: 9/10 Catch Me If You Can Toren: 7/10 Joe: 7/10 Kevin: 8/10 Sherlock Holmes (2009) Joe: 6/10 Kevin: 7/10