Caustic Soda




Dr Rob Tarzwell guests to tell us the intimate, unpleasant details of radiation. Get your iodine pills and your lead shields prepped for this extra-long episode of Caustic Soda! For our musical interlude, we honour the Fallout 3 video game by playing some classic Ink Spots "When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano." Listening to the episode in full may get you your Nuclear Science merit badge. FOOTNOTES Blue kryptonite is harmful only to Super-Bizarro LINKS Personal radiation protection: VIDEO Fallout 3 trailer (Toren's favourite video game OF ALL TIME, and it gets a 9.5/10 from Joe! A must-play!) MOVIE RATINGS Strange Brew: Toren: 6.7/10 Joe: 7.5/10 Kevin: ??