Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 199 - Rock and a Thorn Place



Join Alex, Helen, Bryn, Lydia, and Ben as they find themselves in a precarious position.This week Zolf does sneaky physics, Hamid is learning, Cel wants to rescue THIS one, and Azu stares down a huge threat.Content Notes:Undead & zombiesPhysical violenceDiscussions of: human remains, rot & decompositionMentions of: death (inc. mass death), body horror, heights & fallingSFX: water sounds, roaring & growling, repeated thudding & smashingEditing this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Tessa Vroom & Jeffrey Nils Gardner.SFX this week by Nox_Sound, gpag1, Animadierer, tonsil5, qubodup, minewest, Tomlija, Clearwavsound, sonidotv, Claire.H, obin, skinnytecboy, bolkmar, newagesoup, FxKid2, NachtmahrTV, Crinkem, RutgerMuller, gristi, JoelAudio, SoundFlakes, lennyboy, JARP53728, Bertsz, iwanPlays, and previously credited artists via always, today’s game system is available for free at out our merchandise available at and