Rock And Roles With Danny Goldberg

Ep. 4 - Wavy Gravy



The Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir once called Wavy Gravy “a saint in a clown suit.” Wavy started his career as Hugh Romney, a poet and avant- garde comedian in the Beatnik era of the late nineteen fifties. A friend and protégé of Lenny Bruce and Allen Ginsberg, Wavy had the idea to combine poetry readings with folk and jazz in Greenwich Village in the early sixties, and was Bob Dylan’s roommate when Dylan wrote “A Hard Rain A Gonna Fall” He was then a pioneer of the purest aspect of hippie culture, a protégé of Ken Kesey. Wavy and others then formed the commune The Hog Farm which toured America in the sixties bringing psychedelic notions of peace and love to the heartland and was famously in charge of security, food, and chilling out people with bad trips at the Woodstock Festival. Soon thereafter he was given the name Wavy Gravy by BB King. Wavy was also deeply involved in the movement to stop the War in Viet Nam. I recently went to a Graham Nash show where he told the audience that he wrote the song “Chicago” ab