Quintessential Being

Surrendering into the genius of femme fire with Jay Kimber



Femininity is a word that gets bandied around as often as the latest on-trend super food... but what does it really mean to truly embody your Femme Goddess? To step into the sovereignty of pleasure + understand the essential teachings it gifts us? Jay Kimber is an entrepreneur of health, beauty, wellness & dance. She facilitates women to dive into the juicy and deeply transformational truth of getting comfortable with the burn of desire to harness the power of the feminine. Jay declares sensuality + sexuality helps us create what it is we want in life… and that embodying the sacred feminine is the magnetism we need to bring about new ways in business, life + love! In this episode we chat about living from the inside out, examining the essence of feminine + masculine energies to journey through the process of surrender. Setting alight the femme fire helps us trust in timing, allowing ourselves to be guided not by goals but pleasure – a universally new place to be in business + life. Navigating through this