Quintessential Being

Trust is the Superpower of the Soul with Tamarin Oblowitz



The personal development community can often shun the ego… it can get a bad rap, just like the black sheep in the family it is seen as the rogue that must be tamed! It seeks conflict. It is lazy and wants everything to happen now, for free and with the least amount of effort. It loves to dwell in misery + tell you stories of ‘not good enough’ but if you’re committed to healing + wholeness you can’t subcontract the work, the ego is something we must learn to integrate. Tamarin Oblowitz facilitates + supports women for deep transformation from ego to soul, believing ego has gifts for us if only we care to listen.  Feeling the women collective calling for a more conscious, spirit centred support, she witnessed a void in therapy offerings so merged her clinical psychologist, life coach + intuitive healer experience to birth EmpowHER Healing. In this episode we dive into the superpower of the soul… TRUST! Tam gives us a perfect analogy of life: a gorgeous tapestry... from the back thread running every which way, a