Quintessential Being

2020 a year of female led social + spiritual regeneration... an energy forecast with Carol Atkinson PLUS meditation by Nikki O



2020 is set to be the year of Female leadership as we strive towards social and spiritual regeneration. Hello Sisterhood! In this episode we hear from Cosmic Carol, who gives us an energy forecast of what to expect in 2020 - a year not only important for our own individual lives but the life of humanity. She reveals the systems and structures of the patriarchy that will continue to breakdown as we move into a new era of consciousness. With Capricorn being the main player in the astrological charts, ruling our bones, teeth + organs, our physical body will be tested for perseverance and self-discipline. It is also revealed that March is a particularly important month so circle it in your calendar... there could lie a complete destruction of an area of your life, with physical or psychological wounds being called forward to heal in order to lead and achieve self-empowerment with integrity + conscious objectivity. Carol also gives us guidance on how best to use the energy of this year ahead to move mountains and