Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 203 - Excessively Sneaky



Join Alex, Helen, Bryn, Lydia, and Ben as they sneak and sprint their way out of Svalbard!This week Cel sticks it out, Zolf keeps the key, Azu fights a magnet, and Hamid very strategically knocks on a door.Content Notes:- Undead & zombies- Physical violence- Discussions of: human remains- Mentions of: migraines & fatigue, injury, memory loss, death & dismemberment- SFX: fire, scraping & clanking, continued water sounds, deep percussive sound, roaring & screechingEditing this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Tessa Vroom & Jeffrey Nils Gardner.SFX this week by rfmfilm, totalcult, Morgan169, wlabarron, Samulis, BeezleFM, j1987, kasparsj, kyles, DWOBoyle, timgormly, DrMrSir, quedicemipez, ryusa, DynamicAlgorhythm, NoiseCollector, Mrguff, Lidigium and previously credited artists via always, today’s game system is available for free at out our merchandise available at and