Froknowsphoto Photography Podcasts

Make this one last: RAWtalk 150



It might be a good idea to make this weeks show last.  The reason being is there will be no show next week as Stephen is out on vacation with his family.  He works so hard week in and week out not just on RAWtalk but many aspects of the brand that most don’t get to see.  This is a well deserved break and I hope he enjoys it.     This weeks show is brought to you by RODE who just announced their smallest ever on camera microphone called the VideoMicro.  There no longer is an excuse for terrible audio coming from your camera being that this is priced to sell at $59.  It requires no batteries and it has no switches.  It’s made well, it’s ready for prime time and if you’re in the market for an inexpensive mic that gets the job done click here.   This week we have photo news as always brought to you by Stephen of course with photo news music supplied by    Gear of the week brought us a product from Turbo Ace that works really really well.  And we wrap up the show with the Wheel of FRO.   Tha