Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #630 Want to Be Great?



In our last +1, we talked about LeBron James and the fact that he tries to get 11 to 12 hours of sleep per day when he’s training. (So does Roger Federer. And, Tom Brady is in bed at 8:30.)    Let’s talk about LeBron a little more today.    Renowned mental toughness coach Bob Rotella kicks off his book How Champions Think with a story about how LeBron thinks.    It goes something like this.   Once upon a time early in LeBron’s career, Rotella spent some time working with LeBron. He knew the basics. Six-eight. A chiseled two hundred fifty pounds with explosive speed. A proven superstar. But it wasn’t until they sat down and chatted that he REALLY got LeBron’s power.   Rotella asked him about his goals. LeBron told him: “I want to be the greatest basketball player in history.”    Rotella thought: “Beautiful. This is a truly talented guy.”    He tells us what he was MOST impressed by: “It was not that he had physical gifts. It was LeBron’s mind.”    Specifically, it was the way he saw himself