Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

Hero365: Hero Training 101 (The Manifesto)



Hero Training 101. It's time.  Here's the full script:  Do you know what the word “hero” means? In ancient Greek, the word “hērōs” (spelled with a cool line over the e and the o) meant PROTECTOR. Not “killer of bad guys” or “super strong tough guy” but PROTECTOR. A hero has strength for two. The hero’s secret weapon?  LOVE.  Compassion. Empathy. A hero CARES.  And a hero is willing to do the work necessary to be strong enough to serve and to protect the people and community and country she loves. Our world needs heroes today more than ever before. That’s why I’m putting every single ounce of my energy into something we’re calling Hero Training 101. We’re going to help you create the greatest year of your life and, in the process, help you create heroic mastery of every facet of your life.  We’ll start by figuring out what you’re here to do. How will YOU be heroic? What bold steps will you take to give your greatest gifts in greatest service to the world? Who must you become to make that vision a reality? We’l