Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Imposter Syndrome? You’re Not Alone (or a narcissist), with Stevie Berryman



Imposter Syndrome is a thief; it steals joy from success, and pride from achievement. Feeling like your accolades are undeserved is a common occurrence among artists. Even when you feel secure in your abilities, the fear of looking foolish can keep you from taking the risks that lead to amazing opportunities. Ryan and Stevie discuss how to beat Imposter Syndrome, and the rewards of taking risks. [Subscribe on iTunes] [Subscribe on Android]   Highlight to Tweet: “The truth takes time.” -Stevie Berryman Show Notes: Imposter Syndrome - a phrase coined in the 1980’s to describe the nagging fear that you are not as smart or experienced or talented or deserving as people think. You do not deserve, nor have you earned, your success, and soon people will discover you are a fraud. Imposter Syndrome is the realm of the high achievers. So if you have ever experienced it, you are neither a narcissist nor a slacker. How to beat it: Identify what you are worried about. Talk about it with a mentor Focus on the value yo