Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Ryan Knows Nothing About Parenthood, with Chris and Sarah Jarvis



Since beginning this podcast, Ryan has talked to composers, directors, singers, tour managers, authors, and teachers from around the country and the world. But one significant part of our audience has remained a mystery to him until now: parents. Today Ryan talks with Chris and Sarah Jarvis, who both teach at the same high school, and who are the parents of 3 year old Liam. They acknowledge the extra challenges that teaching parents face. The struggle is real, especially when your toddler wants to play with the iPad you are currently directing from. Listen [Subscribe on iTunes] [Subscribe on Android] Highlight to Tweet: “‘Can I play with your iPad? No, son, I’m directing from it.’” - Chris Jarvis Show Notes: Making it work, when both parents are working in the arts, takes some extra planning and effort. Family comes first. There are lots of school obligations: concerts, competitions, grades, shows, but you can’t let that overrun your parenting obligations. Block off time just for family, and protect it. Tag