Pitching Pr

008: Dealing with Rejection in PR



Today, I welcome back Kamara Toffolo to discuss the cringe-inducing issue of rejection. Rejection is something we all face in both our personal and professional lives. During our conversation, Kamara finds a positive way to spin rejection and how it can be beneficial to creating better work.  As a career coach, Kamara knows the right steps to getting what you want out of your job. Every day, she helps her clients dare to not only work differently, but pursue what they love. With all her experience as a coach, Kamara is the perfect person to discuss rejection.  Topics:  Benefits of facing rejection Spinning rejection Dealing with too much rejection Pushing through fear  This podcast is courtesy of Pitch Graphic Design, a Toronto based firm, whose goal is to provide quality graphic designs for Public Relations. If you would like to get in touch with Pitch, please fill out the contact form.  Links and Resources:  Kamara Toffolo’s Website Kamara Toffolo on LinkedIn Kamara Toffolo on Facebook Kamara Toffolo on T