How To Become A Rockstar Photographer Podcast With Matthias Hombauer

HTBARP 28 Ty Taylor: Singer of Vintage Trouble



I’m excited because today´s guest is the singer of Vintage Trouble Ty Taylor. I first met the band in the backstage area of the Ottawa Blues Festival back in 2014 when I was touring with Shantel. Then I was working with VT on stage in the front of 120 000 people when they were playing as support act of AC/DC in Austria and I got one of my most favorite shots from this memorable event.   I wanted to have a look behind the curtains of a raising Rockband such as Vintage Trouble. How is it to become a star overnight (cause this is what happened)? How can someone personally deal with these challenges?   In order to learn more about it, I got in contact with Ty and ask him to be a guest on my show. Fortunately, he agreed and I caught him in the backstage area of a venue in Milwaukee, minutes before they hit the stage.   In this interview, we're going to talk about how everything started for Vintage Trouble, his personal view on life, the importance of building a community and why he appreciates the work of concert