Practice Management Nuggets

How To Make LinkedIn Work For You!



Are you a clinic manager or healthcare provider who wants to build your network and re-fresh your professional connections so that you are better prepared for your next career move or, maybe, start or build your own business? You have heard that LinkedIn is THE place to grow your career and your professional presence But you are wondering what the correct etiquette is, and the best practices for your LI profile? Knowing the essentials to using LinkedIn will make a big difference in improving your visibility and credibility – both crucial to building your authority and influence. If you are serious about having a solid, fully optimized LinkedIn profile, then stay tuned! Janice Porter will help you develop and use LinkedIn as a primary tool for bringing in new business. Janice Porter, LinkedIn Networking Expert is my guest on this episode of Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice! Janice knows the essentials to using LinkedIn that will make a big difference in improving your visibility and cre