Practice Management Nuggets

When Do You Need a PIA Amendment? | Episode #078



A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is Good for Business A PIA is part of a regular business process if you collect, use, or disclose personal health information in your healthcare practice. When you have a previous PIA that has been prepared, submitted to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) and it has been accepted for use--well, that is not the end of your PIA journey. You need to ensure that you are updating and amending your PIA as your practice matures and as you make administrative and technical changes to the procedures in your practice. Join Jean L. Eaton, Your Practical Privacy Coach and Your Practice Management Mentor and host of this podcast to discover the common triggers that require you to consider if it is time for you to do a PIA amendment. Subscribe: itunes | Email | | Stitcher | RadioPlayer Show Notes You can advance the podcast to the time entries 00:00  Introduction 01:07  When do you need a privacy impact assessment (PIA) amendment? 01:27  Previous PIA is more tha