Practice Management Nuggets

How To Capture Patient Satisfaction With CareSay | Episode #077



Subscribe: itunes | Email | | Stitcher | RadioPlayer ‘This call may be recorded to ensure quality control.’ We’ve all heard the recorded message when we call our bank or service provider But, is this the best way to capture patient satisfaction with their healthcare visit experience? Are you looking for options to gauge patient satisfaction with the patients’ interactions with your office staff during phone calls and their entire visit? There are other options that require less technology, easier to implement, respects privacy, provides a more meaning constructive, helpful, feedback for your clinic team and engages your patients to improve their satisfaction. I reached out to Brian Lee from Custom Learning Systems about his suggestions on how to explore patient satisfaction. Listen to the podcast to hear his key tips! CareSay App from Everyone’s A Caregiver Easily measure the patient's experience and give them an opportunity for feedback so that you can improve patient satisfaction and patient care in your h