

Whether it be drug or alcohol addiction, money, or a relationship, we all have attachments that may or may not be serving us. However, when we’re able to identify them, overcome them, and use them as part of our story, that’s when we can truly find freedom.  Russ Perry’s experience was no different. After a tumultuous affair and battle with alcohol addiction, he found himself in and out of 12-step programs, Celebrate Recovery groups, and therapy. Through various physical and emotional bottoms, it wasn’t until he had a profound experience after reading a book on his family lineage. He realized most were alcoholics and drug addicts. It was that profound moment he decided to change the trajectory of his path and ultimately his family tree. It was then that Russ decided to change everything, including shutting down his seven figure business. From there he started to participate in coaching, personal development, and find a healthy destination to focus his time and energy. In 2015 he launched DesignPickle.  Pullin