

‘What we really need more than anything else during this pandemic is some hope.” As the COVID-19 pandemic struck us all with fear, frustration, and anxiety, Lori Livacich saw it as an opportunity to make a big difference with a small gesture. Stemming from her initial idea of creating something of recognition for front-line workers, Lori Livacich co-founded and created the Hero Lapel Pin -- a pin that is meant to be given to everyday heroes and essential workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. “There’s pins to thank nurses, there’s pins to thank doctors, but what about everyone else who is putting their lives on the line?” From there, Lori created one thousand pins and started giving them away. The concept took off.  “I went to the grocery store and saw a single mom, she probably had kids, and was fearful and exhausted, but you can just see it in her eyes. I could give someone a $100 bill but giving someone that pin just makes a world of difference.” However, it didn’t take Lori overnight to get to get here. Th