

OK folks today we have Paul Fuhr joining us on The SHAIR Podcast. Paul was referred to me by our good friend Anna David and she writes this email to me… Paul is one of the best writers I know. He wrote for me at AfterParty and he has a book coming out in May called Bottle Neck, that may be the best book about recovery I’ve ever read. Paul Fuhr is an addiction recovery writer whose work has appeared in The Fix, AfterParty Magazine, The Literary Review and The Live Oak Review, among others. Paul was an alcoholic who didn't realize how ridiculous his life was until he got sober. Cracking open a beer while he watched morning cartoons with his son, forgetting to pick up his kids, or showing up at daycare with alcohol on his breath were all normal for him. Now he is rebuilding relationships and is a voice in recovery with his articles and addiction memoir Bottleneck. For the show notes and links in this episode go to   Join our Facebook Private Group -    Transfo