Shair Addiction Recovery Podcast | Higher Power | 12 Step | Drug Addiction | Alcoholism | Sobriety | Hp Baby

SHAIR 105: “Hugging the Cactus” with Rob Koebel, a TV reporter’s story of addiction.



Rob Koebel, Emmy Award winning Investigative Reporter, had everything he ever imagined, his dream job, a beautiful wife, but in the background was alcohol. When his ex-wife a CNN News Anchor writes a tell all book about their marriage and goes on book tour promoting it – he has a very public and embarrassing meltdown. Rob is caught on a mall security camera, wasted taking a leak on the Apple Store. The arrest makes headlines across the country. Four years later, Rob is sober and on a mission to put purpose and passion back into his life.  Still unhappy after trying jobs in different careers, he moves 2,000 miles out west to Los Angeles, in hopes of getting a second chance at what he loves to do, meeting and sharing the stories of others.  On his journey – he reconnects with old friends and meets new ones who share their stories about how they have or are trying to pick up the pieces of their lives.   Join us now as Rob takes us through his battle with drugs and alcohol, the wreckage it caused in his life, w