Shair Addiction Recovery Podcast | Higher Power | 12 Step | Drug Addiction | Alcoholism | Sobriety | Hp Baby

SHAIR 103: “One Rep at a Time” with O.R. Marv, Fitness through a Recovery Mindset



O.R. Marv joins us today on The SHAIR Podcast.  Marv is the founder of One Rep at a Time. His website blends fitness information with the challenges faced by those in recovery from some sort of addiction. After years of non-biased research, soul-searching, and step-work, Marv has been able to completely change his approach, not only to fitness, but to nutrition, body image, and overall sense of well-being and spirituality. For years he has only wanted to help people. Today he has finally found his calling, to give back what was so freely given to him in recovery.