Shair Addiction Recovery Podcast | Higher Power | 12 Step | Drug Addiction | Alcoholism | Sobriety | Hp Baby

TSP 073: “The Herren Project” with Laurie McGarvey, from Alcoholic to Boston Marathon runner and fundraiser.



Laurie McGarvey joins us on The SHAIR Podcast today. She is the founder of Recovery Management Solutions, and Laurie is currently fundraising for the Herren Project for this Boston 2016 marathon. Sober Date: June 13th, 2008 This episode was brought to you by So Laurie, tell us about how your life is today because I'm assuming it's very busy, give us your daily routine and how you squeeze in recovery. Laurie: Okay. Let me just say that for me, this alcoholic recovery is my routine, so everything that I do, whether it's from when I get up in the morning and I get down on my knees and I say, "God's will, not mine, be done today," and that's how I have to move. When I don't stay with that routine, you know what? Quite honestly, I get negative. That's not who I've learned to be. I really try and stick with my daily routine of prayer and some type of ... I'm not real good at meditating because it's tough for me to sit still so I try and do more of a walking and gratitude list even befor