Shair Addiction Recovery Podcast | Higher Power | 12 Step | Drug Addiction | Alcoholism | Sobriety | Hp Baby

SHAIR 49: 7 Habits for Peaceful Sobriety with BD Nino – From full blown alcoholic to Marathon Runner, Vegan and Recovery!



Today we have Bryon 'BD' Nino, joining us on the SHAIR Podcast. The author of 7 Habits for Peaceful Sobriety: Kick your addictions, reclaim your health and thrive! Bryon is a vegan and marathon runner who was inspired to completely change his lifestyle once he got sober. Overcoming addiction can be one of the most difficult things we do. It doesn't have to be though. These 7 habits bring peaceful lasting sobriety along with a wellness of body, mind and spirit that's nothing short of remarkable. These same habits have worked for me and many others.