Yoga By Nature Podcast

Ep 55 L2-3 105 mins Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama



Hi! thanks for tuning in. This class is Level 2-3. If you are new to yoga, look for a Level 1 as this class will be too in-depth.  We do poses to release the psoas and also some funky shoulder stretches. Some of the poses require a photo accompaniment and you can find support with images on the Facebook Group here. We flow a bit, go upside down a bit and generally explore in a strong and a subtle way how to create space through the poas muscle and find greater ease through the lower torso. We do Virabhadrasana 1 on only one side so if you are fine with that you will love it and if the thought of it feels like it will mess up your whole day then give it a try anyway! Have a block and a belt handy for shoulder stretches and pincha mayurasana. If you're not up to doing forearm stand yet then take a dolphin pose instead.  I am now taking bookings for Yoga by Nature's next yoga retreat Sept 11th - 19th at Gravito, Central Portugal. From £500 come and enjoy twice-daily yoga, river swimming, late summer sun, meditat