Yoga By Nature Podcast

Ep 53 L1 Yoga and Mindfulness: No pain no pain 70 mins



Hello! Welcome to this podcast. Inspiration for this class was taken from Judith Lasater's fantastic book about yogic living called Living Your Yoga. I've also magpied a bit from Mark Williams' book Mindfulness, and the rest is from me. This was recorded at Arnos Vale Spielman Centre, Bristol.  Being a Yoga and Mindfulness class, there is more talking at the begining than usual as I unpack the theme a bit. It's roughly 4 mins of intro, so if you'd rather skip to the asana class, I won't be offended. The chat is mainly about sthira sukham asanam - being easeful and steady in the posture, and meeting the tendency of the mind to criticise and to wish things different from how they are. Forward bends are a great one to examine this practice in, especially if you have tight hammies! We close with a short metta, loving kindness meditation for the self, in the belief that compassion for the self results in more kindness and tolerance for those around you. Lucky them.  Get in touch: ww