Fight In The Wolf

Running Man



Would you believe I strike the heart of the beast I light up fires with such ease I'd like so bad to succeed But I have doubts Caught in the breeze My frown it gives me a crease I'm down but not yet deceased I've got a sting like a bee So pull it out It's been an unforgiving journey It seems I can fly oh my But I insist on running Don't die! I hear the avalanche a' coming I'm shrieking inside Well call an ambulance or something! Been piling brick upon brick Til I'm sure it will crumble Wading through the shit Trying to find a way to under Stand Are we there yet? Can't go back Are we there yet? Hold my hand Are we there yet? No! Well just keep on running man Count out my tears I've got a lion by the ears My fucking life's in arrears I'm a disciple of fear So let us pray Come take a peek My circumstances are bleak I'm switching sadness for grief I'm sick with bad BPD So get away! Think there's a goblin in my corner I'm days from shore And taking on a lot of water Oh crap! I wake with problems every mornin