Cedille Records

Episode 9 - Gaudete Brass / sevenfive



The latest episode of Cedille's Classical Chicago podcast features an interview with Gaudete Brass members Scott Tegge and Paul Von Hoff whose album sevenfive - The John Corigliano Effect will be released on Cedille Records on February 10 on Amazon and iTunes http://bit.ly/2ismE4A. In the podcast, Scott and Paul discuss John Corigliano's influence on their careers, commissioning Corigliano's students to compose in works tribute to him, and the history of Gaudete Brass. to discuss their partnership and the inspiration behind the album. Gaudete Brass, a quintet devoted to presenting serious brass chamber music and commissioning new work, brings a fresh perspective to music of John Corigliano with an inventive album of brass works by the prolific American composer and his protégés.