Triple Your Customers Podcast

Triple Your Customers Episode 4



For any business that provides a product or service to customers, the act of finding, targeting and obtaining new customers is always going to be among its top priorities. But what many businesses tend to forget is that once a customer makes the first purchase, there is much more to be done in the customer relationship. Smart businesses know that the first purchase is really just the beginning, and that the real business value lies in retaining that customer. The people that have already bought from you are super-special, I mean really special when you think about it. They paid you money, they bought into what you said and now have a unique perspective of what it is like to journey from finding you, to evaluating you against the competition, then deciding to purchase and then what? You thank them if, they're lucky, reward them somehow, just re-sell to them or simply ignore them? As you acquire more customers, managing and sustaining your relationships becomes a larger task. By creating online community for yo