Community Board Podcast

Ep 96 My Experience Participating In a Clinical Trial For The #COVID19Vaccine



Medical discoveries are not possible without volunteers like you. Researchers need your help! Health research changes people’s lives every day, but many studies end early because there are not enough volunteers. We help by matching you with research studies. Researchers need both healthy people and people with all types of conditions. Everyone can be the perfect research match! The MN Research Link Facebook page is hosted by the Clinical and Translational Science at Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota. We encourage interaction, discussion, commentary, questions and even criticism but ask that you keep your comments and posts relevant and respectful. Be careful to avoid providing medical advice. Sharing your own experience is acceptable. Over time, we may work with individuals to devise ways that they can tell personal stories anonymously. MNResearchLink management team will remove any post and may ban anyone who violates these guidelines. In particular personal attacks, i