
Learn To Do the Right Things To Grow Your Business



Lina loves her Wi-Fi lifestyle! She loves the variety, she loves to travel, and she loves to work with different people all around the world. Lina believes there’s so too much to experience in the world to just keep doing the same thing over and over again. She wants other people to experience life to the fullest extent. This is why she does what she does. She was a little frustrated with the corporate world and the limits that put she felt it put on her. She loves the flexibility of having her own business. Tips from Lina’s area of expertise: Learn the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. She encourages us to keep track of what we are doing so that we can tell what we are focussing on and whether we are being effective. Another tip is, Lina says your business will never outgrow your mindset. Be positive and constructive. “Connection is currency.” Acceptance, positivity helps. Lina’s recent source of inspiration - Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday’s. Oprah has turned this in to a book called the