
How to Discover Your Business Building Values



Sally-Jo O'Brien helps people be braver in whatever they want to be braver in. For entrepreneurs, it’s about being braver in their approach and attitude about their business. She also helps with career transitions. Sally Jo's friends call her "The Queen of Re-Invention." She’s had three big career and life shifts herself including her husband passing away in 2005. In launching her coaching business Sally-Jo had to retrain herself and learn to coach. During the launch of Sally Jo’s coaching business, she was still doing some things in the food industry and those two things intersected. She started getting a lot of referrals for coaching and decided to go into that full-time. LEVERAGE Sally Jo leverages her time through group coaching. She also leverages her time through Zoom. She uses it for coaching and for masterminds. Recently she led training for someone else’s mastermind through Zoom. VALUES During a career or business transition you need to reassess your values and figure out what’s important to you.