
Anthony Treas - Strongmen Coaching



Show Notes Anthony's Story... Anthony was deployed to Iraq in 2009 and 2010 When he came home he was expecting to be excited, free and have a new life, but he suffered badly from PTSD. He found he was having nightmares and claustrophobia and was often frightened when he was driving. He eventually when I had to get his bachelors and Masters degree in health and started working at A health center While he was working at the health center he did a workshop for men on men’s health that was received very well. He also noticed a lack of opportunities for men to talk about their own health issues and out of the workshop his his coaching business and other workshops began. Why Men's Health? Anthony finds that men need to talk about their struggles. He finds that men have a lack of purpose and that they are distracted and that this takes a toll on their well-being. What is your wealth without your health? What is wealth when you can’t enjoy it. We have to take a step back and ask what’s most important? Everything