My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

6.08 Nickolas Gottswinter, Animator



Hi Everyone! In this episode, I have Nickolas Gottswinter, a fellow MFA SCAD Student who is studying Animation. He's the super talented and positive person I met in animation class. He gives some great tips on drawing and improving gestures in your work. Here is a bit about Nickolas: Hi, I am an MFA student at Savannah College of Art and Design. I am also a former graduate of Texas A&M University with a bachelor's of Science in Visualization. My focus is 3D modeling from characters, props, and environments. I also enjoy texturing and concept art. If I'm not creating art I am watching movies or playing video games. Movies and games are the best forms of media for me, they have the tools and ideas that I can apply to my learning skills. ​To see his work visit: IG: