Lancaster Story Slam Podcast




Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! Our Lancaster Story Slam theme for October was Scars. The stories were a mix of good laughs and vulnerable moments. We heard stories about both physical and emotional childhood traumas and stories of bizarre and sometimes comical injuries. Our winner this month was Jeff Howe who shared a story of his childhood friend nicknamed “Fat Frankie” and how some scars have the possibility of being healed. Congratulations Jeff!  Jeff won our prized pint glass and a spot in our Grand Slam.  We’ll have more details about Grand Slam later in the podcast. Next up is Randy Bucksner who told us a story about shares about the scars having  an abusive alcoholic father can leave. Now a word from LancLiving Realty, our 2019 sponsor. LancLiving Realty is a local real estate and property management firm based in downtown Lancaster, serving communities throughout Lancaster County, and focused on providing clients with ethical and knowledgeable service. Whether you are buying or sel