Lancaster Story Slam Podcast

Teach Your Children



Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! Our Lancaster Story Slam theme for September was "Teach Your Children.” Our talented storytellers shared some amazing lessons that they’d been taught and some lessons that they’d managed to impart to others.  Our winner this month was Rita Clarke with a story about the time her mother stood up for her when a teacher accused her of cheating. Rita’s story won her the prized pint glass and a spot in the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam which will take place on November 26th at The Ware Center. Congratulations, Rita! Next up is Caitlin Downs with her story about teaching a group of young men about primary research and cat calling. Since we had so many wonderful first time storytellers this month, we decided to include four in this month’s podcast. Our next story is from George Hahalis. Listen as George shares his story about a special trip he and his daughter took to New York City together. Now a word from LancLiving Realty, our 2019 sponsor. LancLiving Realty is